Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me! Monday ....... returns!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not vow to stop doing Not Me! Monday until Stellan (and MckMama of course) returned home safe and sound.  Okay, well, yes I did.  It just wouldn't be the same without them!  Welcome home!!!!

I did not have to clean up a fragrant mixture of garlic powder, cinnamon and baking soda out of the toaster and off of the counter tops, not once but twice after Andrew found the spice cabinet.  He is not discovering the the spice cabinet as a result of me taping the water faucet down so he can't turn it on.  He did not climb up onto the counter yet again to play in the sink, find it taped and scoot to the other end of the counter to find a cabinet full of fun!  

I am not reevaluating my decision in taping that faucet, trying to decide what drives me the least insane, a countertop full of seasonings or a clothed toddler in the kitchen sink.  

We did not have our house SEARCHED by the Lewisville Police Department!  There would have been no reason for this.  I mean,  our house wasn't broken into.  We aren't harboring a fugitive.  I didn't cause a kitchen fire.... really.  Andrew certainly DID NOT PRESS THE PANIC BUTTON on our alarm keypad!!!!!!!!  If this had happened I would have to tell you that Lewisville PD's response time leaves much to be desired when they show up 30 minutes after a panic alarm.  Not that I would know or anything!

I did not record Yo Gabba Gabba the other day just because Jack Black was on it.  I am not slightly obsessed with him, nor do I think he is hilarious and has mad skills when it comes to dancing!

The faucet of our kitchen sink did not break completely off while I was using the sink giving me a shower and completely soaking me and most of the kitchen!  I most certainly did not forget that it was broken and proceed to turn it on again!  A change of clothes was not required nor was a wipe down of the kitchen table, walls and floor!!

Since I was not just a little glad that faucet in the kitchen broke beyond repair,  I certainly wasn't happy that I had to go to Lowe's and pick out a shiny new one.  Oh, and I did not get a whole new kitchen sink while we were there - I love my mustard yellow, porcelain sink too much to ever part with it!

Before (ignore my sink full of "dishes"!) 


I was not more than a little perturbed on Friday when I went to pick up the big kids from school and discovered that our district did, in fact, decide to close ALL schools until May 11th thanks to the Swine Flu "outbreak".  Although, I'm still not quite sure how 700 cases worldwide is considered an outbreak when thousands more than that the die every year from the regular Flu and it's not considered a "pandemic. Whatever!

Have a wonderful week everyone!!  I certainly will ;)

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