I have to say, I am beyond proud of Ethan! Over the weekend he earned his Tiger Badge, which for those that aren't familiar with the world of Scouting is a huge deal for a first year Cub Scout. He had to complete over 15 "achievements" and did some electives along the way. We did lots of this with the Den but Ethan did quite a bit on his own and with me here at home. Since Scouts began in September we have been able to have several great "go & see it" trips to places like the Boy Scout Museum, the Police Station, a local Newspaper, and the Sky Theater at the University of North Texas where we were able to look a lots of stars and planets through ginormous telescopes. All of this hard work led up to Saturday night; the biggest night of the year for Scouting. The Blue and Gold Banquet. This is a birthday party to celebrate Scouting where we have a nice dinner, Leaders are presented with awards, Graduation of the older boys from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, Goals for the remainder of the year and individual achievements . The boys normally get their achievements (all of the things they have to complete in order to earn a badge) for the month recognized at the monthly Pack meeting but to get a Badge at Banquet is a big deal. One reason being, there are A LOT of people there to celebrate with you, including the head Scout Masters, the Directors of Scouting for the area, all of the other Dens in the Pack and everyone's family. The second reason is because Blue and Gold is midway through the year and to have already earned your badge for that year by Banquet is quite an accomplishment. Ethan was one of only 2 boys in his Den to accomplish this. So needless to say I was SUPER proud of my TIGER SCOUT! We had a blast. He has made some great friends and I can't wait to see what he does next!
Here we are shortly after we arrived acting silly waiting for the rest of our Den to get there!
This is part of Ethan's Den waiting to receive their beads for the electives they did this month.
Ethan getting his beads.
Unfortuately, I didn't get any pictures of Ethan receiving his Tiger Badge because I had to go up with him so he could present me with a pin. I am hoping that one of the other parents got a picture though.
Here is John and Ethan just after they got their Tiger. Notice the paint on their cheek. The Scout Master painted this on as they got their badge. The blue stripe stands for truth, loyalty, and the sky above. And the yellow stripe is for sunlight along the Wolf Trail (the level above Tigers).

Here are all of the achievements Ethan earned on Saturday.